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PENANG, 21 May 2013 - In the past, banana leaves were only used as food wrappers especially for nasi lemak andkuih like koci and lepat, but now the uses of banana leaves have been diversified.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) researchers led by Associate Professor Baharin Azahari from the School of Industrial Technology produced waterproof banana leaves which are more durable than paper and plastic. This innovation, named AMMIBA Bleaf Eco Wrap (ABEW), does not use toxic chemicals or rubber but just banana sap for laminating two layers of banana leaves together.

“Two pieces of banana leaves are bonded together with banana sap. With two layers, the product is stronger than paper and plastic and it can also be used to produce decorative items such as bags and boxes.

“ABEW’s preparation process begins with banana leaves cut in the desired size, the sap is then extracted using a special machine, the leaves are then compressed with heat to bond them together so as they would not easily broken or torn,” said Baharin.

According to him, the product does not need to be stored in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness, able to last longer, and being able to use numerous times.

“This environmentally-friendly green product can help to improve the economic status of the population in the suburbs where bananas are produced in large quantities,” said Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation, Professor Muhamad Jantan at a special press conference held here recently.

“The potential of its commercialisation is quite high, looking at the global market for paper and packaging materials which is estimated at around RM1.2 trillion,” said Muhamad.


This product has won a gold medal at the 24th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2013) under the category of Printing and Packaging held in Kuala Lumpur recently. USM submitted entries for 15 products and won 13 gold and 2 silver medals. - Text: Rafizah Nor Md Zain/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa/Translation: Yong Check Yoon


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