English News



PENANG, 26 June 2013 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman advised all staff to carry out daily activities as usual but take extra precautions during the current hazy conditions.

"We are distributing 1000 copies of pamphlets and face masks to university staff coming in to work since 7.30 this morning. This is part of the university’s effort to inform staff and students about the measures to be taken to reduce the health impact of haze," said Omar, when met at the University entrance at Jalan Bukit Gambir (next to the USM Stadium).

Among the main causes of haze is open burning. In USM, such activities are strictly prohibited to retain the greenery and sustainability of the campus. 


As a precautionary measure, drink plenty of plain water, wash hands and face with soap after outdoor activities and seek treatment if you experience symptoms such as itchy throat, stinging and watery eyes and chest pain.

The phamplet and mask distribution programme is co-organised by the University’s Healthy Campus, USMaRT, Wellness Centre, Security Department and the Student Representative Council.

Similar programme is also carried out simultaneously at all the other entrances to the campus by the Registrar, Siti Zubaidah A. Hamid at the Batu Uban entrance; Bursar, Salmiah Che Puteh at the Minden entrance; and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and International Affairs, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal at the Sg. Dua entrance. -- Text: Rafizah Nor Md Zain/Photo: Yong Check Yoon and Mohd Fairus Md Isa/Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe

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