English News



 KUALA LUMPUR, 20 June 2013 – The success in offering the Master of Communication (Integrated Marketing Communications) or IMC has become another success for Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in extending its brand network outside Penang.

“We will work to complement the existing infrastructure in Kuala Kumpur especially at Wisma Sejarah, the location where IMC is offered at the moment and will continue for some years to come, in creating a conducive learning environment with reference material resources, internet and a place for discussion,” said USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman.

Responding to questions from students at a dinner held here, Omar urged the students to continue their existing cordial relationship even after their graduation and inviting more of their local and international friends to study here.

“USM will continue to strengthen its position in Kuala Lumpur, increasing the number of classrooms and students but for a start, will make Wisma Sejarah as its “USM Post-graduate Satellite” office in Kuala Lumpur. I hope those who have completed their studies will continue to assist in advancing USM’s brand name,” the Vice-Chancellor elaborated.


A total of seven people are expected to be the first group to graduate in the IMC programme, receiving a degree in USM Convocation Ceremony this September.

“We will keep taking only about 30 candidates for the programme to ensure that we can maintain, even improve the quality and always remain competitive,” said Omar.

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 The School of Communication Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamilah Ahmad said that she is proud of the IMC achievement and was happy to be one of the lecturers.

“I’m not just being proud as a Dean but being able to share knowledge on a mutual basis with students who have extensive experience, offers a win-win situation in which teaching is fun and at the same time able to learn from the students’ experiences,” said Jamilah.

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Meanwhile a IMC student suggested that USM should involve the industry and major players in the communications and marketing industry for input, especially in exploring the possibility of improving the quality of the education syllabus.

The students also suggested that the University should help IMC students establish a cooperative, not only to generate income but also to apply what they have learned and channel all available expertise.

A total of 50 students attended the meeting held with their Dean and the lecturers. -- Text & photo: MOHAMAD ABDULLAH



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