English News



SUBANG JAYA, 16 July 2013 – The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman today visited Rosiah Dahlan, 52, and Shahida Amira, 17, the widow and daughter of the late ACP Ibrahim Lebar who was killed on March 2 during the terrorist attacks in Lahad Datu.

USM was indeed saddened by the death of ACP Ibrahim Lebar however, USM is proud of the fighting spirit and sacrifices that he has shown in protecting the country from intruders.

"It has been more than 100 days since his departure and we have accepted the fact that he is no longer with us," Rosiah said this in her opening conversation with Omar together with the writer and some student leaders, including the President of the USM Student Representative Council, Muhammad Ammar Abdul Aziz.

His photos and the neatly folded Malaysian flag ‘Jalur Gemilang’ were still displayed. A photo that captured the memory of him receiving the degree certificate from USM Pro Chancellor Tun Daim Zainuddin hung majestically on the wall.

"My late husband has always been proud and grateful that he has obtained a degree from USM in 1998," said Rosiah while showing the photo.

The USM Vice-Chancellor presented a cheque for RM10,000 donated by the USM community to remember his heroic deeds that should be emulated and remembered by all Malaysians.

"We are proud of him and this small contribution comes from the campus community, including the staff and students as well as the fund raising activity organised by the USM Police Volunteers (SUKSIS) which was mostly initiated by our students," said Omar.

According to Omar, USM students are sensitive and concerned with the events happening around them, as demonstrated by their effort in collecting more than RM100,000 to set up the Palestine Education Fund.

Rosiah expressed her thankfulness and requested the Vice-chancellor to convey her gratitude to all the caring USM students, staff and the whole campus community.

"I believe that such a spirit is important for the young generation so that they can face the challenges ahead and able to solve problems independently in the future," she advised those who were present there.

She was clearly overwhelmed by the visitation and she also expressed her appreciation to the Vice-Chancellor for making himself available to visit her family.

"This visit means a lot to us and it gives us strong encouragement to go on with our lives," said Rosiah who spoke a lot about her children and their future education plans especially Amira Shahida who is interested in the culinary world.

"Insya-Allah, if there is anything that we can help, especially in the area of education, USM will assist within its capacity," said Omar at the end of the visit.


There was an expression of hope on her face, hope of a mother waiting anxiously for the return of her children, including the one studying in Egypt, and observing Ramadan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri without their loved one for the first time.

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The late Ibrahim’s body was buried in Tanah Perkuburan USJ22, Subang Jaya, Selangor. May Allah bless his souland place him together with the righteous. Alfatihah. - Text/Photo: MOHAMAD ABDULLAH/Translation: TAN EWE HOE



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