English News



PENANG, 1 July 2013 - All the responsibility centres (RC) in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) are called to establish and design succession plans at all levels by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dato' Dr. Omar Osman. Besides that, he also hoped that the spirit of teamwork can be practiced regardless of the position held and the department.

"This is necessary because no matter what the position is, everyone will be replaced when the time comes, including the VC," Omar said this in the 7th meeting for 2013.

"On top of that, as a team, the work of an individual staff can be performed by others when necessary. Today, we have stepped into the second half of 2013, it is hoped that the proposed framework can be continued based on the BUKU 2013 presented earlier this year," he added while conveying his condolences on the demise of some staff members recently.

The Dean of the School of Industrial Technology (PPTI), Prof. Dr. Rozman Hj Din, the Dean of the School of Physics (PPSF), Prof. Dr. Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar and Assistant Librarian, Mazlan Nor also shared their experiences and knowledge at the same occasion.

Rozman expressed his gratitude and appreciation to those who were directly or indirectly involved in the funeral arrangement of the PPTI lecturer, Nurul Izza Alias who died in a road accident last Thursday.

"I would like to express my appreciation and thankfulness to all especially the VC and wife, Datin Noraizan Jamaluddin who visited her while she was in coma at the Penang Hospital," said Rozman.


Similar appreciation was conveyed by Mohamad Suhaimi and he also reminded everyone to carry out their duties with sincerity and with a heart of gratitude to Allah S.W.T.


Meanwhile, according to Mazlan, he gained many valuable experiences while working in the library since 1982. There was this one time when he went home very late because he missed the 12.00 midnight bus during the examination weeks. He also shared that he experienced the two different eras of library book loan systems namely the manual and the computerised book loan systems.


This monthly meeting was also attended by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network) Professor Dato' Dr. See Ching Mey and the staff from PPTI, PPSF and Hamzah Sendut Library. -- Text: Rafizah Nor Md Zain/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa/Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe

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