PENANG, 8 August 2013 - The Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman today called on Muslims, in particular the university community to strengthen the ukhuwah (relationship among the Muslims) and work together to improve the civilisation of knowledge.
Addressing the congregation at the USM Mesjid Al-Malik Khalid before performing the Aidilfitri prayers today, the Vice-Chancellor reminded Muslims to sustain the Ramadan teachings to strengthen the ukhuwah ties and work together as shown by the practice of preparing meals together for Ifthaar, alms giving, visiting the bedridden and vagrants, and other good deeds.
"Everything we do, do it with a sincere heart, upholding the teachings of Islam including through prayers, reading and appreciating the Al-Quran, all for the sake of Allah alone," said Omar.
The Vice-Chancellor also thanked the Imam of Damam Medina, Sheikh Ahmad Hamd Al-Sa'id Ali' Abd Al-Qadir who spent his time in USM throughout this Ramadan. Omar also called on the students, especially the foreign students to take advantage of this festive occasion to understanding the diversity of cultures in Malaysia and appreciate the true spirit of Islam although it is being celebrated differently here.
"I strongly urge all of us to continue to develop the understanding and practice of the teachings of Islam together and excel in building a civilisation of knowledge that is beneficial for the sustainability of the future," said the Vice-Chancellor.
Mesjid Al-Malik Khalid was filled with worshipers comprising USM community and surrounding neighbourhood, including the international community. The Aidilfitri sermon was delivered by the Deputy Director of the USM Islamic Centre, Ustaz Zayd Zhari while the prayers was led by the Imam of Damam Medina, Sheikh Ahmad Hamd Al-Sa'id Ali 'Abd Al-Qadir.
The Vice-Chancellor also wishes everyone ‘Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin’ on behalf of the Chairman and the members of the USM Board of Governors, Senate members and USM Top Management. Right after the Aidilfitri sermon, he went around greeting the congregation and handed out duit raya to the children who were present.
Among those who also performed Aidilfitri prayers at the mosque were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International Affairs) Professor Dato' Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal, USM Ombudsman Professor Dato' Dr. Md. Salleh Yaapar and the Islamic Centre Director Associate Professor Haji Nasirun Salleh. - Text & Photo: Mohamad Abdullah/Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe
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