English News




PENANG, 3 Aug 2013 - The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman attended the breaking of fast gathering and performed the Maghrib prayer together with around 50 staff from the USM Security Department and the 'USM Respond Team' (USMaRT) here yesterday.

In his short speech, the Vice-Chancellor advised the Security Department staff to continue to provide excellent security control that can guarantee the university’s overall security and safety. He also advised the security personnel from all levels to share the responsibility together by carrying out their duties in a more diligent and efficient manner, being trustworthy, upholding integrity, discipline and full of dedication.

"In carrying out our daily tasks, we need to be more alert towards the things happening within the campus and its surroundings, and to be more aware and concerned with the changes happening around us.

"We need to change our attitude and the way we work, to be more dynamic and motivated in carrying out our tasks, as well as to equip ourselves with the relevant knowledge and skills in our profession as the university’s security personnel so that we will always be respected by others," said the Vice-Chancellor.

Just as some departments in the university that have undergone or are currently undergoing a transformation process in terms of function rather than structure, he also hopes that the ability and credibility of the security department personnel will not be doubted, but rather earning the respect of all the stakeholders while establishing a positive departmental image and keeping the university’s good name.

The Vice-Chancellor also expressed his satisfaction with the ongoing transformation as well as his appreciation for the support, contributions and services given by all the Security Department staff throughout the years.


Meanwhile, the Security Department Deputy Registrar, Haji Mhd Ramli Mehat reminded his staff not to be careless or negligent in carrying out their jobs because carelessness can lead to unwanted incidents such as theft, damage or loss of property and intrusion into the university compound.

"I also hope that they will be always be vigilant and work together with the university staff volunteers of USMaRT team, which was recently established to assist in monitoring the safety and the well-being of the campus community, especially after office hours," said Haji Mhd Ramli Mehat.

He also reminded that the security measures in the respective offices must comply with the safety aspects set by the university, such as ensuring that all lights, office automation, air conditioners and electrical equipments must be switched off as well as the doors and windows properly closed and locked especially during the coming Raya holidays.

The breaking of fast gathering was jointly organised by the Security Department and USMaRT which is aimed at fostering better relationship between the staff and the university senior management. This can be seen from the friendly chats among those present while enjoying the breaking of fast meal together.
Also present were the University Board of Governors member, Professor Datuk Dr. Omar Shawkataly and several principal officers of the university. - Text & Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa

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