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PENANG, 19 Sept. 2013 – The Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail urged that the knowledge attained at any level must be shared and able to provide benefits to other people.

He said that scholars, especially graduates from the universities, must set a good example by showing kindness to others and maintain the good name of the learned.

“As a knowledgeable person, we are also reminded not to act recklessly, rather we need to observe a proper behaviour that shows respect and good manners at all times,” he said after presiding over the first session of USM 48th Convocation Ceremony at the Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra (DTSP), here today.


He also said that this is important to show that educated people are ethical, have a sense of proper conduct and always wanting to give back to the society.

“Being educated, the person should avoid becoming a burden to others and avoid becoming a parasite that disrupts the existing harmony.

“USM graduands must also protect the good name (of the university) wherever they are. Do not draw defining boundaries to being courteous to others and break down any barriers that prevent one from doing so, to achieve success,” he said.


In the meantime, the 48th convocation ceremony also saw the appointment of Tan Sri Datuk Mustafa Mansur as USM’s third Pro-Chancellor and the conferment of honorary degrees on two prominent figures: Professor Dato’ Dr. Roslani Abdul Majid (Professor Emeritus), the former Founder Dean and the first Director of USM Health Campus; and Tan Sri Dato' Seri Fumihiko Konishi (Honorary Doctor of Science Degree), a well-known corporate figure and Founder Chairman of Texchem Group.

The Convocation ceremony this year will be held in seven sessions, witnessing a total of 5,427 receiving post graduate degrees, first degrees and diplomas.

Also included in the first session are the inaugural graduation of Doctor of Public Health and the Chancellor's Gold Medal award which went to the best graduate, Yong Bang Ming. - Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe/Photos: Mohd Fairus Md Isa.

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