English News



PENANG, 12 September 2013 - A total of 1,323 out of more than 4,684 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) new students attended the PIMPIN Siswa programme during the weekend which will continue for the next 3 weeks in selected camps in Kedah, Perak, and Terengganu.

USM is the only university in the country that develops by itself a new module for character development through the PIMPIN Siswa programme. It is mandatory for all new students at USM campuses in the country to follow the programme while those who are doing the USM Medicine Programme at Belgaum, India are expected to undergo the same experience that is expected to be implemented for the first time this October.


USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC), Student Affairs and Development, Professor Dr. Adnan Hussein said that the inaugural programme was developed using in-house expertise of the university in an effort to realise the goals of building the outstanding traits of students.

“It emphasises the concept of continuous development of students based on sustainable tomorrow for the success of the eight-core USM Student Development Model that includes efforts to foster patriotism, patriotic and respecting it, the spirit of loving the university, the development of self-esteem, develop self-resilience, propagate sustainable attitudes in students, enhance their soft skills, inculcate spiritual values and increase student intellectual ability,” Adnan added.


Adnan explained that, interestingly, the PIMPIN Siswa programme is implemented through a very close collaboration between all parties at selected camps where a camp leader, facilitator and volunteers try to reach out and understand the youth better, with the intention to help develop their personality and individuality as university students.

Meanwhile, the Head of Entrepreneurship and Student Personality Development Centre, Mohd Rashid Abdul Rejab said that, of the total 1,323 new undergraduate students following the PIMPIN Siswa programme last weekend, 878 were from Penang Main Campus; 161 and 284 were from the Engineering and Health Campuses respectively, placed in nine camps in Kedah, Perak and Terengganu.


“A major challenge faced in this first week was when the participants were faced with uncertain rainy weather, but the participants enjoyed the programme even though for some this was their first time attending such a programme," said Mohd Rashid.

The PIMPIN Siswa programme was implemented in 2009 when the present Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman became the DVC of Student Affairs and Development, and USM was selected for the Accelerated Programme for Excellence (APEX) to enhance self-worth and individuality of student personality to be excellent and well-balanced in all aspects, including academic and spiritual qualities.


To date, over 15,000 students USM have undergone the programme, including those who have graduated and returned to assist as facilitators and volunteers in this programme. - Translation: Yong Check Yoon

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