English News



PENANG, 5 September 2013 - A rainy day did not deter students of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) from completing their Walkrobic activity held, together to maintain and build a better relationship among them.

The programme started with the appearance of welcoming mascots representing hostels and each of them won the crowd’s approval with their colorful costumes.


USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman together with the students were enthralled by the programme and he said that the programme will strengthen the unity between races as well as maintain the value of respect among each other.

“Commitment is most important and should be maintained at its best since it will be a benchmark for us to move forward,” said Omar.


He added that undergraduates should always work hard and have the ability to diversify themselves to ensure that they would not be left out in this modern world.

Moreover, he also expressed his gratitude to the organising team who successfully managed the ‘Minggu Siswa Lestari’, adding that their time and energy spent is highly appreciated by the University.

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During the ceremony, Omar presented hampers to winner of each category where Hostel Restu won for the Best Slogan/Hostel banner, Best Performance (Hostel Tekun) and Best Mascot (Hostel Fajar Harapan). - Translation: Siti Faizah Abd Halim/Photo: Mohamad Danial Shahri

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