English News



PENANG, 3 October 2013 - Sentuhan Qalbu, a new group made ​​up of volunteers among Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) staff and students was officially launched at a special ceremony here yesterday.

The main objective of the group that was established as a university’s community engagement project is to provide assistance to patients with chronic diseases and as caregiver when (a patient) faced difficult situations in their daily life.

USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network), Professor Dato’ Dr. See Ching Mey said that the Sentuhan Qalbu group is also an agent for change in support of the university community development beyond the campus.


She said that in line with the University's sustainability leadership, setting up this group is deemed to be in the right direction to educate the campus community to be aware of the threat of chronic diseases afflicting the society.

“It also helps them to provide moral and emotional support to patients and family members while also transferring knowledge of how to care for a patient with chronic disease,” she said during the launch of the group.

Also present were the wife of the Vice-Chancellor, Datin Noraizan Jamaluddin; Sentuhan Qalbu Project Group Leader, Datin Dr. Aishah Knight; Director of Centre for Drug Research, Professor Dr. Sharif Mahsufi Mansor and others.


She added that the University also hopes that the Sentuhan Qalbu group was able to play a proactive role in promoting healthy and active lifestyle among its members as well as carrying out activities that can touch people's lives.

The launch of the group was made to coincide with October which is gazetted as month for Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign which is among the most feared chronic diseases worldwide.

The support group’s theme ‘Take Responsibility, Take Charge, Take Care of Yourself and Others’ was chosen to raise awareness on the importance of taking care of one’s health in building a prosperous and healthy community.

Also on displayed were USM Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (IPPT) mobile coach for health screenings, exhibition on the early prevention of cancer, and a jazz band performance. - Translation: Yong Check Yoon/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa

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