English News



PENANG, 20 September 2013 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Distance Education (SDE) organised a USM SDE Grand Charity Dinner 2013 to foster networking among alumni and the staff of SDE.

Dr. Mohd Azhar Bahari, president of SDE Alumni Association 2013-2015 said that this event will be a starting point for further closer relationship among its alumni and hope that programmes like these will receive support from SDE, specifically, and USM, generally.

“I hope the synergy that exists tonight to strengthen ties among various parties especially with the alumni would be enduring,” said Dr Zarina Mohd Nor, the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs & Networking.


Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman, said that the function was important to bring the alumni together and empower USM to share its expertise, ideas and research with the community.

“Networking among alumni is important for the transmission of ideas and expertise besides prospering and developing the University,” said Tan Sri Datuk Mustafa Mansur, USM Pro-Chancellor.

He added that he never forgets his experience of studying in the university, and each alumnus should keep in touch and find ways to contribute back to the University.


Mustafa has been in the university for almost 40 years since his enrolment as a student in 1973 before subsequently holding positions in the University Committee and now he is the Pro-Chancellor.

“I am very proud to be a member of the USM family and this programme provides me the opportunity to strengthen my relationship with the staff and other SDE students,” said Shantee A/P Segara who will receive her degree tomorrow.

Oong Lay Wah, a second year SDE student, said he likes the environment of USM campus.

While Engku Arif Harun, a Social Sciences alumnus of 2009, said he loves USM and was in close contact with the lecturers at the university.

Besides gathering SDE staff, students and alumni, this event also aimed to raise funds to support community programmes targeted to help those who are less fortunate. - Translation: Yong Check Yoon/Photos: Siti Faizah Abd Halim & Mohd Fairus Md Isa

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