MERANG, TERENGGANU, 6 October 2013 - Continuous effort in research and the promoting of local knowledge would strengthen Malaysians and help to achieve international prominence.
This is been emphasised by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman at the launching of the Regional Conference on Local Knowledge (RCLK) (Persidangan Serantau Kearifan Tempatan) today.
“If we are to appreciate the meaning of local wisdom through the definition that based on the knowledge and expertise of the local culture, how it expands and absorbs into the society from time to time, how it is embedded in the cultural traditions of local communities, we actually return to whom we are placing our resources and prosperity into the society with some recognition given,” said Omar.
He added that in a culture that is based on the religious beliefs, some of which might originated even before the arrival of Islam, however, those who might still be living in the rural areas are close to Mother Nature and this reflects the knowledge they possessed which are difficult to explain through modern thinking.
That is the unique feature of local wisdom that should be learned and adapted to either the current situation or that of the future. Some of it is very useful in maintaining sustainability and survival of the human being in the future, said Omar.
“Therefore, we need to see it in the relevant context of future needs, whether in the context of art and culture, medical, environmental conservation, or continuous upgrading of knowledge while maintaining the character in strengthening and empowering knowledge for our future generations,” said Omar.
The RCLK is the best platform for our researchers to present their findings in which the majority was from LRGS Research Group. They have received a research grant in 2012 from the Ministry of Higher Education worth RM7.75 million and also have published in USM Local Knowledge Book Series.
In 2012, five books had been published basing on outcomes of RCLK1 (2011), and 8 in 2013 based on RCLK2 (2012) findings, all by USM Press.
“We will raise the position of Local Knowledge through further discovery and USM will do whatever it takes to ensure that we proceed to the next level and internationally by showing our sense of nationalism,” Omar said.
“I think our heaviest task is to give a comprehensible knowledge to the society about the success of our culture and this should be the thing that we can be proud of despite the truth that some of them are hardly seen today,” said Omar.
The Vice-Chancellor sought continuous efforts to explore international opportunities in collaboration to achieve this noble goal.
“We must be able to demonstrate the strength and spirit of local wisdom in our nation transcending geographical boundaries,” said Omar.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Local Knowledge of USM, Professor Dr. Badarudin Mohamad, said that they have already prepared a “blueprint” to create a better relationship with foreign universities such as those in Indonesia and some other countries.
“USM is currently developing a heritage laboratory in the middle of Georgetown World Heritage area to be visited and used as a reference by various parties, as well as an Eco Heritage Laboratory at Tasik Banding besides setting up a research centre in advancing the Local Knowledge on a long term basis,” Omar said.
He added that efforts will continue to increase number of the translation of researches made and develop a discourse of knowledge in lecture rooms to achieve the transmitting of information from university to community through various groups in 2014.
A total of 150 participants attended this conference. The Director-General of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Dato’ Dr. Awang Sariyan, presented his keynote address “Mengangkat Kearifan Tempatan Setempat dalam Agenda Globalisasi Barat Timur-Timur Barat” (Raising Local Knowledge of a Locality in the West East-East West Globalisation Agenda) and Professor Dr. Ir. Rosdanelly Hasibuan MT from Universiti Sumatera Utara (USU), Medan, presented a paper “Teknologi Proses Berbasis Kearifan Tempatan dalam Memproduksi Makanan Tradisional” (Local Knowledge-Based Process Technologies in Traditional Food Production). Also present was the Organising Committee Chairman, Assoc. Professor Dr. Saad Othman. - Translation: Siti Faizah Abd Halim/Photos: Mohamad Abdullah
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