PENANG, 28 October 2013 – Issues related to sustainable aspects have become the main thrust discussed at the International Sustainability Conference 2013 (ISCO 2013) which has the participation of over 100 academics and representatives from NGOs and other agencies.
Deputy Secretary representing the Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Dr. Gary W. Theseira who launched the conference, said that the ministry is committed to giving feedback pertaining to issues discussed for diversifying inputs to develop national policies.
“Pertaining to the topics discussed in this conference and also an extension of the RIO+20, Malaysia has enhanced the implementation concept of sustainability and also in the National Development Policy,” said Gary.
According to him, I believe we can overcome all the challenges in developing a sustainable world despite being hampered by various obstacles.
“Therefore, all of us have to play our roles in preserving the earth, the planet earth, the most precious planet for human life and inherit it to our future generations,” he added.
At the same event, he launched South East Asia Sustainability Network (SEASN), a network and a platform to discuss sustainability planning. SEASN was also created to promote sustainability at higher education level, NGOs, industry and various agencies in Southeast Asia.
He also launched three books and ISCO proceedings which were Post Rio+20 on WEHAB+3: A South East Asian Perspective, A Selected Literature Review of USM Research Publications on WEHAB+3, and Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development.
Meanwhile, Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr See Ching Mey said that the concept of sustainability is in line with the vision and mission of USM as an APEX university. Learning and teaching on campus is also emphasizing on sustainability. Thus, USM is trying to rebrand itself as a university that is capable of leading in these sustainability issues.
The international conference themed The Future We Want for All without Fear and Favour brought together researchers & Southeast Asia experts in five areas of Sustainable Development: Water (W), Energy (E), Health (H), Agriculture (A) and Biodiversity (B) across the three areas of interest in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, Production and Consumption, and Poverty and Population (WEHAB+3).
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Dr. Muhamad Jantan expressed his hope during ISCO 2013 closing ceremony that everything that was discussed to be implemented will be brought to a higher level for the benefit of all. - Translation: Sharifah Darweena Syed Ahmad Amir Feisal/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa
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