English News



PENANG, November 2013 - The expertise of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Global Archaeological Research Centre (GARC) academic staff and researchers which is based on scientific archeology is gaining more respect and recognition worldwide.

USM Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman said USM GARC has become a consultation centre and is involved in training as well as producing archaeology personnel in Malaysia and helping out research in Bosnia, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Pakistan and other places.

He said it was an encouraging success with the availability of world-class facilities at the GARC which include the Earth Materials Characterisation Laboratory and research tools such as XRD, XRF and SEM that contributes to the production of quality research.

“USM will give its continuous support and hopes that GARC will continue to contribute to the needs of the Accelerated Programme for Excellence (APEX) Phase 2 ecosphere, as well as meeting the needs of our national higher education agenda,” he said.

He mentioned this during the launching of the 2nd National Archaeological Seminar (NAS), which was attended by participants from various backgrounds including those from public and private higher education institutions, Brunei Museum Department, National Heritage Department, Lenggong Archaeology Gallery, Johor Heritage Foundation, and Sarawak Museum.

Omar added GARC is also encouraged to disseminate and bring awareness to the community to see the knowledge and new discoveries in archaeology as a medium for us to understand our own identity.

He said that knowledge and discoveries in archeology provides important evidence when history is questioned and also to counter negative views and perceptions by any irresponsible parties.

In the meantime, GARC Director, Professor Dr. Mokhtar Saidin said that this once-in-five-year-event can be used as a platform for academicians, researchers, archaeologists and others to present their findings and research as well.

He said the five year period can be seen as appropriate as it allows every research conducted during that time to be ready for highlighting and shared with participants.

“The main objectives of NAS are to share information about archaeology, latest cultural heritage of Malaysia, as well as a medium for more research cooperation in the future,” he said.

He added that GARC has grown exponentially over the past five years since 2008, with important data contributions to the global archaeology through the findings at Bukit Bunuh, Lenggong.

Besides, GARC has also successfully launched a special issue of Siri Arkeologi Perdana which has already published its 5th edition while setting up the USM Archaeology Gallery and launching the sahabat@ arkeologi USM for schools.

In the two-day NAS, 46 papers are being presented by more than 100 local and international participants. - Translation: Siti Faizah Abd Halim/Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa


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