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PENANG, 2 February 2014 - If kacip Fatimah (Labisia pumila) was ever more synonymous with its nourishment that provides energy to the user, the herb is now also known to be able to reduce one’s weight.

A team of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPS) produced a unique standardised nano extract formulation from the herb kacip Fatimah that demonstrated its potential in inhibiting the production of fat by the body.

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According to lead researcher, Professor Dr. Zhari Ismail, the product Labeesity is formulated to assist in the control of body weight through its function in controlling the accumulation of fat in the body.

He said, basing on a comparative study with existing products in the market, Labeesity is also found to be more efficient in helping to control one's appetite and exhibits a protective effect against fatty liver disease.

“Labeesity is produced in capsules using 100 percent of kacip Fatimah extract. Although the herb has been mostly taken by women, it must be highlighted that men can also take it to maintain the well being of the body,” he said.

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He told this to the media at a specially arranged press conference, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman here recently. Also present were the Dean of SPS, Professor Dr. Munavvar Zubaid Abdul Sattar and the SPS research team.

Zhari added that Labeesity also went through quantitative as well as qualitative standardization and this is a timely development for the standardization of herbal medicines to ensure that they are consistent in terms of their biological and chemical profile and stringent quality control during production.

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“Labeesity is also safe to use as a supplement and it has been processed in accordance to the guidelines outlined in the Malaysian Standard to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of herbal medicines.

In the meantime, Omar said that obesity is a global health problem that haunts everyone, including men, women, and children.

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“USM is committed to develop a range of research products that can help the society as well as to provide a platform in the transfer of knowledge that can benefit the world,” said Omar. - Translation: Yong Check Yoon/Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias/Photo: Mohd. Fairus Md. Isa

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