English News



PENANG, 9 March 2014 - More than 500 students and staff of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and the community living around the USM Penang campus joined the rest of the country to pray that the search and rescue operation for those who are in Malaysia Airlines MH370 would be made easier by Allah s.w.t.

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They conducted their prayers at the Al-Malik Khalid Mosque in USM last night after the Isya’ prayers that was led by the Assistant Director of USM Islamic Centre, Ustaz Iswazndi Abdul Mokmin. Also present was the Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal.

“We pray that the efforts of those involved in the search and rescue mission for flight MH370 will run unimpeded, while we also pray that Allah s.w.t. will help USM to prosper everybody,” said Ahmad Shukri.

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The prayer was organised by the USM Islamic Centre together with all USM Hostel Residents’ Council, USM Students Affairs and Development Division and other voluntary stakeholders.

Translation: Yong Check Yoon/Text: Mohamad Abdullah/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa


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