PENANG, 26 March 2013 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is rebranding several buildings that accommodate Schools and research centres to give emphasis to some aspects of its knowledge strength so that it could be made known and shared by all stakeholders.
“For example, we will create a ‘Lingkaran Ilmu’ (Knowledge Circle) among buildings that houses several Schools that share the same area such as the Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) which are being restructured, and the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV) which will take over the offices of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences Research Unit, and the Graduate School of Business (GSB),” said Vice- Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman during his working trip around the campus today.
The Vice-Chancellor added that the university is planning to turn the tower behind GSB which formerly housed the Student Affairs and Development Division (HEPP) offices into the ‘Menara Sejahtera’ (Sejahtera Tower), which houses the office of the Regional Centre of Expertise Education for Sustainable Development (RCE Penang) and the Campus Sejahtera Office.
“Students will develop the concept of green agriculture in the vicinity of this building and leveraging it as a model in creating a green office in collaboration with parties such as the Centre for Education, Training and Research in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE) which all this while has been collaborating with other parties to implement the green office,” added Omar.
Earlier, the Vice-Chancellor also visited the CETREE office, Centre for Innovation and Productivity in Public Administration (PiPPA) and the Knowledge Transfer Project (KTP) office and was given a special briefing.
The Vice-Chancellor also visited the Traditional House built by the School of Housing, Building and Planning (HBP) in the seventies after which was used to “showcase” to international students from the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation.
“This house will be handed back to the School of HBP to implement appropriate programmes, including a centre for religious studies as well as other purposes after making necessary modifications,” said Omar.
The Vice-Chancellor then visited the USM Press office, its store, and Taman Buku.
He suggested that USM Press should be given the appropriate space in the Hamzah Sendut Library to promote books published for the benefit of the campus community.
“I think USM Press should be supported and helped to ensure that their publications can reach the target groups especially the students by placing posters, computer for users to conduct search on the books available, and other appropriate methods that do not consume a lot of space in places usually frequented by students,” said Omar.
The Vice-Chancellor is making scheduled visits to all the Schools, centres and units in USM campuses, including those of Health and Engineering.
Two days ago, he visited the development projects of USM-Toray Knowledge Transfer Centre, the renovation of Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra VIP rooms, renovation and upgrading of buildings and facilities in Building E42 to become a USM Chancellory Satellite and also the offices of the Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences Research Unit to see the progress made and the use of the space available on campus.
“I will continue to conduct surprise visits to the various departments and buildings in campus, in particularly to see the spaces that are to be shared and utilised by those who need them as I believe there are still many (of such spaces) in the campus that should be optimised,” said Omar.
TheVice-Chancellor is on a visit to Schools and centers of responsibility in the near future on an on-going basis. - Translation: Yong Check Yoon/Text: Mohamad Abdullah/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa/Yong Check Yoon
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