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PENANG, April 2014 – The Strategic Planning Workshop for Promoting the Indian and Malaysian Students Mobility between the two countries held at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) recently has been regarded as a timely effort in improving the various aspects of higher education.

Generally, many participants shared the same opinion that the comprehensive discussion between both parties had allowed the exchange of ideas and information to understand better each other’s strengths.

One of the participants, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Chew Tin, a lecturer from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), said participating in the group discussions gave her a chance to know India better.

For example, she said through the presentation by a delegate from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, she could gather the latest information which helps her to understand the system and the state of higher education in India, which has the second largest population of the world.

"Even though discussions are still at an early stage, I really hope that it can be a useful platform to help increase mobility of Indian and Malaysian students between the two countries.

"I think most of our students did not select India as a destination for further studies due to certain factors particularly their perception of the situation in India.

"Therefore, from such discussion, we hope to have a clearer picture of the higher education in India and the its benefits that can be shared with students. Indeed, India has a very sound higher education system,'' he said.

In addition, the Vice-Chancellor of the English and Foreign Language University, Andhra Pradesh, Professor Sunaina Singh said this first meeting will provide opportunities for both countries to focus on collaboration that will enhance the development of higher education.

She said among the potential collaborations discussed were joint training programmes, twinning programmes and the exchange of students and academic staff.

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Meanwhile, Nishat Akhtar, a Ph.D student from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering USM, felt that the workshop was very timely as it addressed issues on how to increase the Indian and Malaysian students mobility.

Nishat, who has been in USM for more than three years, said much can be learned by both countries in this area, especially in course offering and training programmes.

"Furthermore, this workshop also allows India and Malaysia to look for a more accurate understanding of developing higher education, besides widening the network for sharing ideas between the government of both countries,'' he said.

All participants of the Strategic Planning Workshop were feted at a special dinner hosted by USM here today.

Over 30 participants, 10 of whom were Indian delegates participated in the workshop following the 2nd Joint Working Group (JWG) meeting held in India last year.

Also present was the USM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students Affairs and Development), Professor Dr. Adnan Hussein.

The two day workshop was also attended by a representative from each public higher education institutions in the country (IPTA), two representatives from the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the Workshop Secretariat. - Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe/Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias​​/Photo: Mohd Fairus Md. Isa

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