English News


PENANG, 18 July 2014 - About 150 students and members of the public gathered at the Islamic Centre of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) compound today after Friday prayers to express their frustration and anger over the killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinians by Israeli forces over the past few days.

A spokesman for the rally, Khalil Abu Ahmed, 49, said that they just wanted to express their sadness with what was happening in Gaza.

"The world cannot afford to sit back and watch how Palestinians suffered and especially the women and children being killed," said Khalil who is from Gaza.

Eight of his children and wife are there and are currently trying to survive the Israelis attack.

According to Khalil, about 60 Palestinian students of USM were involved in this gathering to share their worries and sorrow as the mortality is building up.

"We are begging the world community to do something about this and we urge Muslims to continue to pray together with us as we want to stop this Israelis brutality," he said.

Khalil had just completed his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Islamic Development at the USM School of Social Sciences. - Translation: Siti Faizah Abd Halim/Text: Mohamad Abdullah​

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