English News


PENANG, August 2014 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU) Cadet Officers were among the 1,584 cadet officers who have been commissioned in the 33rd ROTU Royal Commissioning Ceremony held at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Tanjung Malim, Perak recently.

The ceremony was officiated by His Royal Highness The Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V, representing The Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.

In the ceremony, His Majesty inspected the Royal Parade and conferred certificates to 1,584 Cadet Officers from the three military services of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - the Malaysian Army, Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force.

From the total, 730 are male cadet officers and 854 female officers from 17 public institutions of higher learning in the country.

All these cadet officers have completed and undergone three years of training during their studies at their respective universities.

Preparation and training for the parade have begun two weeks before the ceremony at the Army training headquarters.

Three USM Cadet Officers Muhammad Adib bin Bapu (Army), Mohammad Fareez bin Jaaffar (Air Force) and Maizatul Farhana binti Azid (Navy) – were selected as this year’s Best Cadet Officer in the respective military service. - Translation: Tan Ewe Hoe/Text: Marziana Mohamed Alias

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