English News


PENANG, 19 January 2013 - Among the more than 250 students interviewed, Wilson Beh Wei Chean, aged 22, a Bachelor of Management programme student at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) was selected to attend the Global UGRAD Programme with two other Malaysians.

This programme is one of the student exchange programmes sponsored by the United States (U.S.) which provides an opportunity for students to experience studying abroad and gain experience as an intern at leading companies in the U.S.

According to Wilson, he was offered to do this programme for two semesters instead of just one semester as offered to the two other Malaysians. Experience of studying at Marymount University (MU), Washington DC, has provided him a different perspective of studying abroad as compared to that in Malaysia.

“As the saying goes, golden rain in other people’s country, hail in our own country, it is better to be in one’s own country. Although I get to know various cultures while in the United States, I was very homesick longing for the atmosphere and culture of Malaysia,” he said, having returned to Malaysia in June 2012.

“Today is my last day in USM, so I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who had supported and helped me, especially Professor Dato’ Omar Osman (Vice-Chancellor) who was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Division of Student Affairs and Development when I accepted the offer,” Wilson said while relating his story during a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor in the Vice-Chancellor Office today.

“When I reflect on my years at USM, I found that my active participation in student leadership associations during my first two years at USM have helped shape who I am and this gave me the courage to deal with life challenges in the United States,” said the youth who came from Nibong Tebal.

Wilson received scholarships totalling approximately USD40,000.00 during the 9 months of being in the U.S. Some of the money that he managed to save was used to visit more than 15 cities in the U.S. besides using the money he received as an intern with the World Bank Group.

He was also selected to be Malaysia representative to attend the Global Clinton Initiative University where he had the opportunity to meet with former U.S. President Bill Clinton. - Text: Rafizah Nor Md Zain / Photo: Mohd Fairus Md Isa / Translation: Yong Check Yoon

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