USM PENANG, 14 November 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) will be celebrating its students’ completion of studies at the 62nd Convocation Ceremony 2024, from 19-26 November 2024.
A total of 8,971 diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate students will be graduating in the upcoming convocation, graduating from 34 academic schools and research centres that offer various fields of study at the nation’s sole APEX university.
The convocation ceremony will begin with HRH the Chancellor, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail conferring the honorary doctoral degrees in the First Session to TYT Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi Haji Abdul Razak (Honorary Doctor of International Relations) and Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Jamaludin Ibrahim (Honorary Doctor of Management).
Following that, HRH the Chancellor would confer the Emeritus Professor award to two recipients, namely Dato’ Dr. Chan Ngai Weng (School of Social Sciences) and Dr. Abu Hassan Ahmad (School of Biological Sciences), and the Chancellor’s Gold Medal Award to the best final year student in all fields.
At this year’s convocation, students will be receiving their degrees in 15 separate sessions, to be presided by HRH the Chancellor (First Session), and to be followed by the three Pro-Chancellors, namely Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Jegathesan Manikavasagam (Sessions 2-5), Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali (Sessions 6-9), and Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Zulkefli A. Hassan (Sessions 10-15).
For the first time at USM, the degrees for Master’s and undergraduates under the same fields of study from the academic schools would be conferred on the same session, and for most sessions, there will be one academic school coming from the Arts and one from the Science fields.
Representatives from higher education institutions would be among the guests attending the ceremony.
A dedicated website has been prepared for convocation-related matters. Relevant details can be obtained at: .
Text: Mazlan Hanafi Basharudin
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