English News


USM PENANG, 9 February 2024 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) today has taken steps to strengthen its ties with Tomsk State University (TSU), Russia through the renewed signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
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This renewal marks a continuation of the partnership that was initially established in 2015 and has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and advancing academic endeavours.
The renewed MoU outlines various areas of cooperation between the two institutions encompassing:
• exchange of students and/or staff;
• joint academic programmes including current majors and prospective future fields of study;
• joint research and development programmes;
• joint workshops and training programmes;
• exchange of publication; and
• any other academic linkages and cooperation that will be mutually identified and agreed by the parties from time to time.
The MoU was signed through a virtual ceremony conducted using the Ktalk video conferencing platform here this afternoon.
Signing on behalf of USM was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Gs. Dr. Narimah Samat, representing the USM Vice-Chancellor while TSU was represented by its Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Professor Artyom Yu. Rykun.
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In her remarks, Narimah Samat expressed gratitude to all involved in the renewal process and conveyed her sincere optimism for the promising future ahead for both universities. 
She provided a brief overview of USM's profile, background, and achievements, emphasising the commitment by USM to excellence in education and research.
"Today, as we embark on this journey to renew our partnership, we reaffirm our commitment to attain excellence in education, research, and mutual cooperation. 
“As we move forward, let us embrace this opportunity to further strengthen our bond and explore new avenues for collaboration,” she said.
“Together, we have the capability to inspire, innovate, and make a lasting impact on the academic landscape,” she added.
Meanwhile, Artyom Yu. Rykun in his speech highlighted the diverse opportunities for collaboration, ranging from linguistics and modern languages to physics, computer science, biomedical research, and cultural studies. 
He expressed optimism for the fruitful outcomes of the collaboration and believed that the MoU would bring significant benefits to both institutions.
This collaborative effort is poised to contribute significantly to the global academic community, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange between Malaysia and Russia.
Also present were the TSU Head of Academic Affairs Division, Maria Ignatieva; TSU Deputy Head of International Division, Ekaterina Trifonova; USM Coordinator, International Strategic, Division of Academic and International, Professor Dr. Hazizan Md. Akil; USM Dean, Institute of Postgraduate Studies, Professor Dr. Azlan Abdul Aziz; and principal officers from USM and TSU.
Text and Photo: Nur Farrah Ezlin Mohd Suhaimi
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