
USM PENANG, 6 May 2024 - In a immense step towards fostering international collaboration in the realm of sustainable energy, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shandong University and Qingdao Daneng Environmental Protection Equipment Incorporated Company from China.

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The Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed stated that the signing represented a significant milestone in the global pursuit of clean and reliable energy sources, while underscoring the vital role hydrogen plays in the ongoing global transition towards sustainability.

“It has garnered the attention of experts across various disciplines, owing to its potential and signifies a commitment to fostering synergistic collaborations that drive groundbreaking advancements as a clean energy alternative,” said Abdul Rahman.

“As the world continues its rapid transformation towards sustainability, collaborations such as these also serve to illustrate the importance of global cooperation in addressing pressing environmental challenges,” he added.

Meanwhile, during his address, Vice President of Shandong University, Qingdao Campus, Song Zuobiao, highlighted the institution's unwavering commitment to international cooperation and its strategic focus on globalisation.

“Shandong University is dedicated to fostering global talent and advancing academic excellence on an international scale, particularly through collaborative student training initiatives with the objective of developing high-quality talents,” stated Song.

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He further elaborated that the partnership will subsequently be aligned with discipline clusters focused on the following areas such as Biology-Environics-Oceanology, Computer-Optoelectronic Information-Network Security, and Politics-Law-Public Administration.

Additionally, at the signing ceremony, the Chairman of the Board at Qingdao DaNeng Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd., China, Wang Yong, underscored the company's unwavering dedication to supporting the national ecological and environmentally sustainable development strategy.

"For nearly two decades, Qingdao DaNeng has been committed to designing, manufacturing, and distributing energy-saving, environmental protection, and emission reduction equipment across various sectors, including electricity, heat, metallurgy, and waste treatment," he stated.

According to him, the company has achieved notable success due to its comprehensive research, development, production, and sales system while driven by its commitment to internationalisation and innovation.

“The objective of this collaboration is to conduct joint research on energy-efficient, green, and low-carbon technologies, facilitate the transformation of key research findings into industrial applications, and overcome intellectual property barriers.

“This initiative is designed to leverage the combined strengths of these three parties in order to facilitate technological upgrading and foster industry-university research cooperation,” he told.

Also present were the Dean of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, representing the Director of the USM Engineering Campus, Professor Ir. Ts. Dr. Shahrel Azmin Sundi @ Suandi; Dean, USM School of Mechanical Engineering; Associate Professor Dr. Jamaluddin Abdullah; President of Penang Muslim Entrepreneurs Association, Datuk Sr. Dr. Muhamad Farid Saad and Director of the USM Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS), Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Wira Mohd Shafiei.

Text: Siti Faizah Abd Halim/Photo: Muhammad Taufik Abdul Rahman


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USM PULAU PINANG, 3 Januari 2024 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) dan Jinko Solar Technology Sdn. Bhd. telah menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) bagi usaha pembangunan bakat dalam bidang tenaga boleh diperbaharui (renewable energy).

Pemeteraian persefahaman ini akan memberi tumpuan kepada memperkasakan pelajar USM untuk bakat berkemahiran tinggi yang menepati permintaan industri melalui mekanisme program serap-industri (industry-infused).

Naib Canselor USM, Profesor Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed berkata kerjasama USM-Jinko Solar akan memberi kelebihan buat pelajar USM dalam penguasaan aspek industri yang lebih realistik dalam bidang berkenaan melalui latihan praktikal (atau internship), projek tahun akhir dengan tajaan biasiswa atau sokongan pembiayaan.

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“Saya berharap kerjasama serap-industri di bawah kelolaan Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik USM ini dapat menghasilkan pelbagai projek penyelidikan kolaboratif yang akan memberi manfaat kepada kedua-dua pihak dan seterusnya buat negara secara keseluruhannya,” kata beliau di Majlis Penandatanganan MoU kedua-dua pihak yang diadakan di Bilik Persidangan Canselori (CCR), USM.

Pada pertemuan tersebut, Abdul Rahman turut menyentuh perkara berkaitan penggunaan Photovolta (atau PV) sebagai tenaga boleh diperbaharui adalah selari dengan fokus USM sebagai universiti yang menerajui segala aspek kelestarian.

“Sudah pasti ia juga selaras dengan Pelan Induk Perindustrian Baharu Malaysia 2030 (NIMP 2030), untuk menyahkarbon sektor pembuatan bagi mencapai pelepasan karbon sifar menjelang 2050 di negara ini,” jelas Abdul Rahman lagi.

Beliau turut berharap kolaborasi USM dan Jinko Solar akan mengintegrasi nilai-nilai kelestarian dalam usaha penyelidikan dan pendidikan melalui program yang relevan industri.

Di majlis yang sama, Timbalan Pengurus Besar, Jinko Solar Technology Sdn. Bhd. Lee Swee Lim berkata pihaknya sentiasa komited untuk bersama-sama USM bagi mewujudkan kerjasama strategik, membangun dan menyokong program penyelidikan untuk manfaat kedua-dua pihak.

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“Kerjasama USM-JINKO Solar sudah pasti memberi impak positif dalam pembangunan penyelidikan industri tenaga boleh diperbaharui sekaligus dapat melahirkan bakat-bakat baharu negara yang pakar dalam bidang berkaitan dan mampu meningkatkan keupayaan bidang ini ke tahap yang disasarkan,” kata beliau lagi.

Beliau turut berharap dengan kepakaran yang dimiliki kedua-dua pihak ini ia sekaligus dapat membuahkan hasil yang relevan kepada industri dan pendidikan tinggi negara.

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Yang turut hadir ke majlis tersebut adalah Pengarah Kampus Kejuruteraan USM, Profesor Datin Dr. Azlina Harun@Kamarudin; Penolong Pengurus Sumber Manusia, Jinko Solar Technology Sdn. Bhd., Huang Dandan; Dekan, Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik USM, Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Shahrel Azmin Sundi @ Suandi; barisan EXCO Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik USM,  dan para pegawai utama Jinko Solar Technology Sdn. Bhd.

Teks: Mohd Azrul Mohd Azhar/Foto: Mohd Fairus Md Isa


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CYBERJAYA, 25 February 2025 – Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), through its School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japan-based Tenchijin Inc. to advance AI-driven research in infrastructure assessment and renewable energy site selection using satellite data.

The one-year MoU, effective from 25 February 2025, lays the groundwork for collaboration between the two institutions while paving the way for a more comprehensive collaboration agreement in the future.

The partnership will focus on joint research into assessing the risk of water leakage from pipelines and identifying optimal locations for renewable energy projects, as well as promoting cooperation in research, education, and training initiatives.

As part of the collaboration, both parties will develop a white paper on the application of Tenchijin’s COMPASS KnoWaterleak and COMPASS Renewable Energy solutions in Malaysia, while also facilitating industry partnerships and other mutually beneficial activities.

The MoU was signed by the Deputy Director of the Centre for Innovation & Consultation (Technology Transfer, Commercialisation & Company Monitoring), Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Cheah Chee Ban, on behalf of the USM Vice-Chancellor, and Representative Director and CEO of Tenchijin Inc., Yasuhito Sakuraba.

The signing was witnessed by the Manager of Industry & Community Network at USM's School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dr. Mohd Shahrimie Mohd Asaari; and the Business Development Lead at Tenchijin Inc., Yohei Nishiyama.

Tenchijin Inc. uses high-resolution remote sensing data, including weather and topographical insights, and is the first company to receive investment from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), earning recognition as a JAXA Venture.

By utilising JAXA’s intellectual property and expertise, Tenchijin, a pioneering Japanese firm specialising in land appraisal services, aims to address global environmental and social challenges through advanced space-based technologies.

Text: Dr. Mohd Shahrimie Mohd Asaari, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, USM

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